Emgu Cv Rtsp

If its OK - Ill leave this open for the next few days as I look into ways to provide a sample stream.. It is verified to not exist in version 3, yet does exist in later versions There is an underlying issue within OpenCV library that didnt exist in older version.. When running through debugger - the application hangs within the OpenCVffmpeg dll.

  1. emgu rtsp
  2. c# emgu rtsp
  3. emgu cv videocapture rtsp

The steam does not halt process when run with version 3 0 of open-cv I can only reproduce this issue with the camera I mention above, which is streaming on its own wifi and cannot be made public.

emgu rtsp

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It does not freeze when using EMGU 3 0 It does not freeze when run through VLC utility either.. Unfortunately, this is a URL relevant to the AimCam camera I have issues with When testing against the public bunny video at the link below, has no issue.. dll is locking up or why If it isnt something that can be resolved here, and thats why you wish I close this issue - then thats how itll be.. Please give it a try, and see if the freeze problem can be re-created when reading from that file.. The lockup is happening, but there is no tool to open and see what in opencvffmpeg341. Dell Windows 7 Recovery Disk Iso Reader

c# emgu rtsp

Im in the process of building it again with 3 4 1 to verify again It is possibly an issue with manufacturers compliance with some standard, however the issue is not in version 3 of opencv.. If possible try both fresh (3 4) and old (2 x) FFmpeg versions External interfaces of opencvffmpeg wrapper may be compatible (not tested), so try to rename opencvffmpeg DLL from OpenCV 3.. The only way to investigate would be to ask the ip camera manufacturer to investigate.

emgu cv videocapture rtsp
